We tell stories of modern pioneers, dreamers and outsiders, celebrating cultural diversity and those who have the courage and imagination to create new ways of living in balance with nature. We envision a storytelling environment in support of people and organizations focused on “positive sum world building”, cultural, and sustainable development. We started our journey in 2020.
Giulia Fassina is a Director, Cinematographer and Editor. She studied Visual and Performing Arts at the IUAV University of Venice. From 2014 to 2018 she trained and worked at Studio GDS in Padua as Filmmaker and Video Project Manager, shooting commercial campaigns for clients such as Ducati, Fila, Slam, Blackfin, Replay Jeans and many others. In parallel, her personal work as a photographer, inspired mainly by humanist photographers and American literature, led her, through the years, to approach documentary filmmaking, which she began in 2019 with the creation of the series Under Exposure in collaboration with Pellicola Magazine.

Pietro Torrisi, CEO, is a Director and Cinematographer based in Los Angeles. After a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Film he pursued certificates in Cinematography and Sustainability from UCLA extension. With experience in both indie filmmaking and studio productions, he worked for Paramount, Lakeshore Ent., MGM among others. His goal is to create films on sustainability and the environment. “As I witness the anthropocentric relationship between humans and nature shaping events around the world, I dedicate my practice in visual storytelling as a means to express the deep consequences of this condition, from a perspective which is both personal and objective, hoping to inspire new possibilities.” _ Pietro's IMDb

Daniele Riboli Hincapié is an Associate Producer. Half Colombian, half Italian, all troublemaker. They started Civica Scuola di cinema Luchino Visconti in 2018 and have experience working in movie production, as a translator, sensitivity reader and tester for tabletop gaming, and fixer. In 2020 has chose to participate as journalist on a National Civil Service project documenting human rights practices in various Colombian regions including Altiplano Cundiboyacense, Bajo Atrato, Llanos, and Media and Alta Guajira.

Giulia Berni is an Associate Producer. Giulia specializes in communication, focusing her work on sustainability. She holds degrees in ‘communication sciences’ and ‘journalism and publishing culture’. Living and working in Parma, Italy, she has been curating workshops in schools of all levels, organizing the Festival of Sustainable Development, and serving as regional Alpine and Speleological Rescue press officer. She has interviewed many sustainability experts, including Sveva Sagramola, Luca Mercalli, Tessa Gelisio, Fabio Ciconte, Stefano Liberti, and Grammenos Mastrojeni. She adores the mountains and practices mountaineering, climbing, and ski touring. She is studying ISL (Italian Sign Language) because communication should have no limits of expression.